This translation plugin is updated regularly to improve its functionality and features.
These updates are free of charge for customers who have bought the plugin, for life.
Version 1.17.1 (12/02/2025)
- New option: Ability to perform translations with the DeepL translation service.
- Improved compatibility to translate forms.
- Improved compatibility to translate AJAX requests.
Version 1.16
- New option: Ability to select skins to display the translator in different predefined ways.
- New option: Ability to define custom translations for words and paragraphs sitewide.
- New option: Ability to exclude words and paragraphs from translation.
- New option: Ability to store the permalinks translations in the database for limited performance servers.
- New option: Visual selector for easy placement of the translator in any of the four corners of the screen.
- Fixed admin panel performance when dealing with large numbers of pages and posts.
Version 1.15
- New option: Ability to use the Gutenberg editor to place the translator.
- New option: Ability to remove permalinks from the sitemap.
- New option: Ability to display languages in uppercase.
- New option: New country flags added to the custom flags setting.
- Improved WooCommerce compatibility.
Version 1.14
- New design: Redesign of vector icons in the administration panel.
- New design: Redesign of the language flags in the administration panel.
Version 1.13
- New option: Ability to translate links on the fly to help search engines to crawl untranslated pages.
- New option: Ability to switch layouts depending on the screen resolution.
- New option: Ability to make online backups of the settings.
Version 1.12
- New design: Redesign of the internal visual architecture to fully support responsive themes.
- New option: Ability to switch layouts depending on the screen resolution.
- New option: Ability to redirect to cached translated pages.
- New option: Ability to perform faster translations without loading the WordPress environment.
- New option: Ability to define a javascript function to wait for an event to delay the translator initialization.
Version 1.11
- New option: Ability to place the translator in menus.
- New option: Ability to add multiple instances of the translator in a page.
- 13 new languages: Amharic, Corsican, Frisian, Hawaiian, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Luxembourgish, Pashto, Samoan, Scots Gaelic, Shona, Sindhi, Xhosa.
Version 1.10
- New option: Ability to adjust the translations directly from the front-end.
- New option: Ability to grant access to non admin users to adjust translations.
- New option: Ability to automatically translate dynamically generated content, such as: search forms (ajax) and tooltips.
Version 1.9
- New option: Ability to translate content written in multiple languages.
- New option: Ability to exclude URLs from the sitemap.
- New option: Ability to import portable object (.po) files.
- New option: Ability to update the plugin from the administration panel with a single click.
Version 1.8
- New option: Ability to change the colors of the images: loading, completed, restore.
- New option: Ability to show or display multiple contents for different languages using a shortcode.
- New option: Ability to define a new javascript function: on before load.
- 28 new languages: Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian, Burmese, Cebuano, Chichewa, Hausa, Hmong, Igbo, Javanese, Kazakh, Khmer, Lao, Malagasy, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Nepali, Punjabi, Sesotho, Sinhala, Somali, Tajik, Uzbek, Yoruba, Zulu.
- Higher quality flags.
Version 1.7
- New option: Ability to specify alternative flags for languages spoken in multiple countries.
- New option: Ability to translate the
Version 1.6
- New option: Ability to place the translator in a fixed location by x-axis and y-axis coordinates.
- New option: Ability to place the translator in sticky mode.
- New option: Ability to grant access to the plugin's settings to non admin users.
- New option: Ability to display the translator with a shortcode.
- New option: Ability to remove cached files.
Version 1.5
- New option: Ability to display the languages in their own languages.
- New option: Ability to easily define custom CSS rules.
- New option: Ability to easily backup and restore cached translations.
- New option: Ability to hide either the flag or the language name for low resolution displays.
- New option: Ability to detect the browser's language to either perform automatic translations, or to display/hide the translator.
- New option: Ability to send a parameter in the URL to perform automatic translations.
- New option: Ability to hide the current selected language.
- New option: Ability to translate
tags to increase SEO score.
Version 1.4
- New option: Ability to exclude paragraphs from automatic translation.
- New option: Ability to exclude permalinks from automatic translation.
Version 1.3
- New option: Ability to automatically translate and modify permalinks to increase SEO score.
- New option: Ability to modify the structure of the URL to increase SEO score.
- Query string (?lang=en)
- Pre path (/en/ in front of URL)
- Subdomain (
Version 1.2
- New option: Ability to import and export translations to and from CSV formatted files.
- New option: Ability to search within the cached translations.
Version 1.1
- 24 new languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Belarusian, Croatian, Esperanto, Filipino, Galician, Georgian, Gujarati, Icelandic, Irish, Kannada, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Persian, Serbian, Swahili, Telugu, Welsh and Yiddish.
- New option: Ability to translate the
attributes to increase SEO score.
Version 1.0 (06/09/2013)
- Initial release.